Selected Lectures

© Nazanin Hedayat Munroe, 2014. Digital drawing from textile course at The Met. Lecture, studio instruction and demo for the exhibition Kimono: A Modern History
University of Oregon “TEXTiles: Intertwining of Texts and Textiles from Afro-Eurasia and the Americas” Symposium (November, 2024) Web site
Georgetown University Persian Studies Center “Weaving Nature” Panel Discussion and Presentation (May, 2024) Watch on YouTube
University of Michigan Medieval and Early Modern Society “Sufi Lovers, Safavid Silks and Early Modern Identity” Book Lecture (October, 2023)
Portland State University Textile Arts Program. Retrospective artist lecture (November, 2022) Web site
Georgetown University Persian Studies Center. Panelist and Presenter “Magnificent Design: Persian Influence in Textile Arts” (February, 2022) Watch on YouTube
Textile Society of America Hidden Stories, Human Lives Symposium (October, 2020) Panel Chair and Presenter: “Imported Skills: Immigrant Labor in Asiatic Silk Production” Watch on YouTube
New York University New York, NY “Luxury Silks from the Persianate World in East-West Diplomacy & Trade” Graduate Seminar (April, 2020)
Centre Internationale D’Etude Textiles Anciens (CIETA) Krefeld, Germany (October, 2019) “Haft-Rangī: Color symbolism in Nizami’s Haft Paykar (Seven Beauties) as inspiration for Safavid textiles”
Fashion Institute of Technology New York, NY (September 2019) “Ideals of Beauty in Islam” Graduate Seminar.
College Art Association New York, NY (February, 2017) Lecture, “Teaching Historical Design at The Metropolitan Museum”
University of Bern Switzerland (June 2015 and June 2016) Dissertation project lecture, Annual Applied Arts Conferences
The Metropolitan Museum of Art New York, NY (2012-2014) Textile Courses: historical textile lectures and studio instruction. Read about it in The MET Blog
The New School/Parsons School of Design New York, NY (2012-13) Art Historical lecture series with M.F.A. graduate students at The Metropolitan Museum
College Art Association Los Angeles, CA (February 2009) Art Historical lecture and panel member, sponsored by the Historians of Islamic Art Association
Textile Society of America Honolulu, HI (October, 2008) Art Historical lecture for conference, “Textiles as Cultural Expressions”
University of San Francisco San Francisco, CA (November, 2007) Retrospective lecture on studio work for graduate seminar
Monterey Peninsula College Monterey, CA (November, 2007) Retrospective lecture on studio work for textile students
Mills College Oakland, CA (May, 2007) Art Historical lectures for graduate seminar on silk textiles
San Jose Museum of Quilts and Textiles San Jose, CA (2006-07) Art Historical lecture series on Persian textiles and poetry
Selected Workshops and Courses for the public
The Metropolitan Museum of Art New York, NY (2012-14) Silk Painting, Block Printing and repeat pattern design for artists and designers; public demonstrations and courses
Westchester Arts Council. White Plains, NY (2015) Silk Painting workshop for adults
M.H. de Young Memorial Museum. San Francisco, CA (2008) Silk Painting Workshop for children
San Jose Museum of Quilts and Textiles San Jose, CA (2007) Quilting workshop for children